Workers throughout New Jersey face hazards on the job. When injured in a workplace accident, they deserve workers’ compensation benefits that will pay medical expenses and provide partial wages. But employers can help prevent injuries by taking steps to make their workplaces safer. One of the most common causes of worker injuries are slips, trips, and falls. In 2020, more than 211,000 workers were injured as a result of falls, according to the National Safety Council. While these accidents can happen at any job, construction workers are most at risk.
Helping workers stay safe
Employers have a responsibility to take steps to help protect workers from slip and fall accidents at the workplace. For example, they can:- Plan projects before work begins. This includes determining how the work will be done, which tasks workers will be required to complete, and the proper safety equipment workers will need.
- Scan for potential safety risks. Employers or site safety managers must carefully look at the work area to check for slip and fall hazards that could lead to injury.
- Check conditions. There should be level ground outside to set up any equipment used in the project. Employers also need to check the weather forecast. Workers should not be required to work in inclement weather, which can cause slippery conditions.
- Make sure equipment is safe. Old or damaged equipment should never be used on the job. Ladders or stepladders should have locking devices.
- Review proper procedures for using ladders with workers.
- Install covers, railings, toe-boards, and safety nets as needed.
- Provide proper PPE as needed, such as safety harnesses.
- Hold regular site safety meetings with workers to discuss safety guidelines and allow them to ask questions and provide input.