Our Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Fight For The Injured
A workplace accident can happen very quickly and when it does, the workers who are involved may not know what to do next. If you were injured, it’s important to take certain steps to ensure that you receive the workers’ compensation benefits you deserve. The experienced workers’ compensation lawyers at Shebell & Shebell, LLC can help. Our office is located in Shrewsbury.
The workers’ compensation system is supposed to cover the cost of all reasonable and necessary medical treatment for injured workers. In addition, it is supposed to provide workers with partial wages while they are unable to return to their jobs. Taking certain actions immediately following the accident can help protect your rights.
Get medical attention.
See a doctor, even if you think you’re not hurt that bad. You could have internal injuries, or injuries that you haven’t noticed yet. The only way to tell for sure is to be examined by a medical professional. Getting medical attention also documents your injuries, which can help your claim for workers’ compensation benefits.
Report the accident.
In order to qualify for workers’ compensation benefits, you must notify your employer that you were injured in a workplace accident within 14 days. We recommend reporting the accident to your employer as soon as possible. Reporting the accident starts the workers’ compensation claims process. We recommend providing written notification, as it provides additional documentation about what happened.
Gather information.
Write down an account of what happened to you. What caused your injury? How were you hurt? Who witnessed the accident? Insurance companies will question your accident and the injuries you suffered. So, it’s important to understand what happened as soon as possible.
Talk To An Experienced Workers’ Compensation Attorney.
You may hear that you don’t need a work injury lawyer to file for workers’ compensation benefits. That is true, but insurance companies use many different tactics to try to minimize your claim. They have lawyers looking out for their best interests. You need an attorney who will fight for what’s best for you.
When you’ve been hurt in a workplace accident, employers and insurance companies don’t have your best interests in mind. Employers want you back to work as soon as possible. Insurance companies try to minimize your claim because that helps them save money. Getting the full amount of benefits you deserve can be complicated.
Work Injury Lawyers Serving New Jersey Workers
Insurance companies have different tactics that they use to try to reduce the amount of benefits you receive. They may question the extent of the injuries you suffered. They may challenge the need for certain types of treatment. They may even pressure you to return to work even though you haven’t fully recovered from your injuries.
That’s why you need an experienced attorney to fight for you. We can arrange for a second opinion with a reputable doctor or specialist. Our attorneys build strong cases and fight for your benefits in front of workers’ compensation judges. We are prepared to fight for you all the way to court, if that’s what it takes.
Learn more about how we can help you with your claim during a free consultation. Contact us to schedule a time to meet with one of our experienced New Jersey workers’ compensation attorneys. We’ll review the details of your claim, answer your questions and explain your options. We are dedicated to helping you get the full amount of benefits you deserve.